World Wide Web (WWW)
- The web provided a multimedia interface for resouces available on the internet.
- It enable the user to move smoothly through the internet, moving from one document to another.
- Is a collection of computers containing accessed with special software that enable users to view a text, graphic, video and photos. All these can be linked to other documents on the web.
Web Page
- An electric document on the web.
- Created in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
- Hyperlink are the connections to other related sites and documents.
Web Browser
- Used for exploring the internet and is launched from the computer dekstop or laptop by clicking on it.
- Have many features that can make exploring the Internet quicker, easier and safer.
- Don't have to type in the full Internet adress. Forget http:// if its followed by a www. In most case won't even need to type in the www prefix.
Web Sites
- A collection of other web pages that can be accessed electronically.
- Starting point called homepage.
- The action of navigating from one site to another is called surfing.
e.g http (hypertext transfer protocol):// (domain)
Search Engine
- were created to help people find what they were looking for in more efficient way.
- Allows user to submit a query that consist of word/phrase.
- There are 2 different kinds of search engine.
Regular search engine. The most popular are:
- Yahoo! (
- Google (
- AltaVista (
- Hotbot (
- Lycos (
- Excite (
- InfoSeek (
- Magellan (
Meta-search engines (these are programmes that use more than one other search engine at the same time to locate things).:
- DogPile (
- WebCrawler (
- Meta crawler (
- All TheWeb (
- AOL search (
- (
- Ask Jeeves (
- Subject index searches. The search engine site provides a list of topics you can click on.
- Keywords. Type in combinations of words you think could be found in the URLs sites or documents you want.
A search engine operates in the following order: